So I think I found a new Saturday tradition. With the craziness of work Monday to Friday, there really is nothing more I look forward to than a lazy Saturday. Well this time I decided to leave the comfort of my couch (just not my yoga pants, some things can't be sacrificed) and head to some of Fort Myers' antique stores. My sister, mother, and I all love antiquing: the idea of finding a "buried treasure" is so exciting.I was nothing short of successful, and spent way less money than I would have at the mall!
When I walked in, this place literally took my breath away. Aisle after aisle of books, furniture, clothing, jewelry, dish ware, paintings, sculptures, clocks, and the list goes on. It almost made me nostalgic. I felt like I was back in my hometown in my grandparent's attic, going through all the old knick knacks they had. It took me about 45 minutes just to get through the whole store, browsing through the aisles.
Now I'm having some serious remorse for not buying these. They were even my size! Vintage riding boots in mint condition, and begging me to take them home. They even had straps on the inside for jodhpurs! I mean not that I own a pair, but maybe I would if I had these boots! Ah, but the price tag was about what I would pay for a pair of boots from the mall, and I wasn't willing to sacrifice that much on my "thrifting day".
Jack. Pot. Ok so you think its weird, or strange, or as my sister said, "a bit scary". But I LOVE THIS! It's a bracelet from the 1960's, and is in absolutely perfect condition. It's bold, unique, and definitely a conversation starter. I am so excited to wear this out and see some of my friends' reactions! The best part? It was $15!
Overall I came away with some great jewelry. I got eight pieces for (drumroll please)... $85! That's less than $10 per piece! I know you all can do math, but it still amazes me. Overall the day was perfect "me" time, and my bank account was pretty happy with me too. Try it out for yourself: pick a antique shop and go scope it out. If anything else, you'll see some pretty interesting things!
Happy Shopping!
Lauren Kaye