Monday, December 31, 2012

Long Overdue!

Hi there!
So I've wanted to start a blog for the longest time, but it seems I could never find the time. But my love for writing and fashion has been pent up in this crazy head of mine for long enough. With my move to Florida and living in a one bedroom apartment, it was this or keep asking my dog Lilly if she liked my outfit (I'm sure you dog lovers will understand).

So a bit about me: I'm 23, just graduated from the University of Nebraska- Lincoln and now living in Fort Myers, FL. People ask me all the time if I like Florida. Well I live 5 minutes from the beach, what do you think!?! But the truth is I'm a Midwestern girl at heart. I love the changing seasons (and the outfits that go with them) because even this girl doesn't like to live in a two piece. I love ice cream too much to put up with that.

I've heard I'm a rare breed because I have two passions in life: fashion and sports. I guess that's the product of two sports obsessed brothers and very stylish parents. I can tell you who has clinched an NFL playoff spot (my Broncos) and what colors the Pantone report says will be huge for spring. So here you'll find a bit of both my passions, but for your sanity  I'll try and stick to the fashion side of my brain. I want Lauren Kaye Today to be exactly that: what's going through my mind everyday, no matter what it is.

So here we go. I find it fitting I'm starting this on the eve of 2013. I'm hoping this will be the best year yet. So cheers to you, and all that we'll find in 2013 together.

Lauren Kaye